popular female names in france

44. This is a modern French version of the names Mateo and Matteo. Alternative spellings or variations: Miah, Mea, Meya, Maria. Alternative spellings or variations: Elea, Eleah, Ella, lea, la, Ela. Along with Jade, the top girl names in France included Louise, Emma, Ambre, and Alice. Gabrielle Sarah PIN my unique French names for girls post: Stay up to date with everything Oui In France! Colette 28. Alice Now, Alice is most commonly known as an English name, but it is also one of the more popular baby names in France as well. The name of the sainted mother of the Virgin Mary was among the top girls' names for centuries, in both the original English Ann spelling and the French Anne. Ghislaine. Famous namesakes: German actress Lya Lis, Hungarian actress Lya De Putti. For popular names lists from around the world, visit our main Popular Names page. But never fear, these countries are not losing their national identities. France has a huge influence on culture be it movies, literature, fashion, gastronomy, and of course, names. The ideal entry-level account for individual users. Marie 36. Popular in: France. The song tells the story of a Tasmanian devil who falls in love with a woman he watches swimming in a waterhole. Famous namesakes: French opera singer Nomie Rime, French director Nomie Lvovsky, French model and actress Nomie Lenoir, Belgian singer Nomie Wolfs, Canadian actress Nomie Godin-Vigneau. Alternative spellings or variations: Julie, Yulie, Juliette, Jewelia, Giulia, Juli, Yulia. 49. Alternative spellings or variations: Noemi, Noemie, Noemy, Nomi, Nomie, Nomi. The names Emma, Camila (Camille), Mila, Liam, Lucas and Ethan are chart-toppers in both France and the U.S. French Sounding Norman Girls' Names. 24. Let me know in the comments below. Alternative spellings or variations: Maia, Mya, Myah, Maiya, Maaja, Moja, Maiah, May, Mayja, Mayi, Moia, Maie, Moya. Lets keep moving forward. famous namesakes: english writer charlotte bronte, american author charlotte armstrong, american model charlotte mckinney, french architect and designer charlotte perriand, american singer charlotte ann martin, american actor charlotte rae, american actor charlotte ross, american actor charlotte d'amboise, princess of the u.k. charlotte elizabeth Nomie. Emilie Marie-Claude The 50 most popular baby girl names in France 2022 Emily Mia, Mya, Ma, Ma Emma Mila, Myla Lily, Lilli, Lillie, Lilly, Lily, Lyli Ela, Elea, Ella, Ela, lea, la Ella Anna, Ana Julia milia, Emilia, Emilya, Emila, Emmilia, Emylia, Emlia, milia lanore Emmy, Emi, Emie, Emy, mie, my Eva Sophia, Sofia, Sofa, Zsfia Check out our lists below! A total of 3,814 Jades were born in France last . Franoise 29. Lucienne You can also check out our list of French names for your future daughters if youre looking for [], COPYRIGHT 2022 JOURNEY TO FRANCE | Birch on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, The American psychologist Brett Pelham has studied hundreds of thousands of names, claiming our names can significantly affect our life, even what profession we choose. 43. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France. You'll find many options in this list of 71 French names for baby girls, including ones you could use for either a first name or a middle name. Nomie Maria 3. 2. You might also want to browse Nameberry's real-time lists of Popular Girl Names and Popular Boy Names. 11. Iris 15. 4. Jodd more or less, with the j pronounced like j in je in French not the English j. You can unsubscribe at any time. 1. Genevive 9. It is one of the most beautiful french names on this list. Famous namesakes: American model Callie Mahoney, American athlete Callie Rivers. Check out this post for more French vs. American social differences >>. English,French. 24. Aaidaa is popular French girl name. 11. Baby girl names popular in current day France include Manon, Anais, Noemie, Kenza, and Maeva 1 2 . French names in the US Top 200 for girls include Annabelle, Charlotte, Claire, Josephine, and Sophie. Adrienne 22. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 38. 3. Popular in: France, Switzerland, Kenya, Australia, Pakistan, Singapore, Canada, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. Alicia Elise The french names for girls listed below are in order of most popular, with Jade being at the top of the list. France is one of those countries that does not consistently issue an official name popularity list, but popular baby names in France include Louise, Emma, and Chloe for girls; Leo, Gabriel, and Tom (yes, Tom) for boys." The following 30 French names are most definitely trs chic, and will surely melt the hearts of all who hear them. Im all for cool names no matter if theyre foreign or not as long as theyre easy to pronounce and wont give room for others to make fun of your kids. I can see that. Famous namesakes: Russian tennis player Elena Dementieva, Russian swimmer Elena Azarova, Dutch volleyball player Elena Neve, Italian actress Elena Sofia Ricci, Spanish actress Elena Anaya. 27. 40. Meaning: sea of bitterness, rebelliousness, wished for child, or beloved. French Dog Names That Start With A Abella: Breath 15. French vs. American social differences >>. Get full access to all features within our Corporate Solutions. 17. Maeva Louise (plus a France visa insurance rec) . Those names are good names! . Chart. "Ranking of The Most Registered Female Baby Names in France in 2020. Margot Since you value your little one so highly, so much so that you'd put them among the stars, then this is probably the right name for your future daughter. Along with Charlotte, other popular French girl names that rank in the US Top 200 include Annabelle, Caroline, Claire, Josephine, Natalie, Sophie, Sydney, and Valerie. Both left the Top 100 around 1970 but Anne is still among the most classic names for girls, although others are more likely to choose the original Hannah, the Anna variation, or even . 28. Origin: Hawaiian. 21. With biblical origins, referring to Saint Anna. Famous namesakes: French actress Ela Clair, German actress Ela Geissler, French athlete Elea-Mariama Diarra. 16. Our categories include names that are popular, unique, cute, pretty, beautiful, and old-fashioned. Alice Manon Lucie Ranking of the most registered female baby names in France in 2020 [Graph]. Going after what you want. Anas Claire 48. These French female names are a great mix of trendy and old-school. Morgane Famous namesakes: Canadian wrestler Luna Vachon, Bulgarian singer Luna Yordanov. . Insee. Eugnie For example, Nicole and Georgette are names of women in France who are well into their 70s. On a personal note, if I were to change my name to one of the French girl first names, my favorite is Victoire. Mila 13. 35. Popular in: France, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. 21. 4. 47. 25. I would love for you and Tom to do a video pronouncing some of the French names for us Americans. Being kind, always. 23. 34. 43. 37. Letting your hair down. Famous namesakes: Latvian athlete Elina Babkina, Latvian opera singer Elina Garanca, French actress lina Labourdette, Finnish photographer Elina Brotherus. Poor kids. Famous namesakes: American actress Julia Roberts, Australian novelist Julia Leigh, Australian singer Julia Stone, French actress Julia Bartet. What do you think? Victoria 23. Great middle name, Kim ;-))) Tom and I have done some reels/shorts if you follow me on Insta/YouTube but we have to do more videos of names. Nowadays noone gets that name. Louna 8. Arlete Audrey. Romy Jeanne French names are always in vogue! 22. There's a good mix of popular/trending, uncommon, cute and meaningful names here. Georgette 37. Ambre 6. Christianity. 250 French Girl Names. Something you may not be aware of is that baby showers arent typically something youll see in France. In, Insee. Fernande You wont hear of too many Robs or Bens. 12. 7. Eliane Meaning: good mother, illusion, or water. What are some rare beautiful names? Currently, you are using a shared account. Its Robert and Benjamin. Romane ***CLICK HERE TO READ FAQ*** Dismiss. aaida has many meaning in different languages, like in french it means the one who is helpful, in hebrew it means Ornament or brightness. The name Diane is less popular in France as well and is not one of the most common French names for girls, so my names coolness factor went up a few notches ever since moving abroad. Meaning everybody can pronounce them and the girls that get one of those names dont have to be embarrased later in life. Do you know any of these popular French names for girls? Adrienne Popular in: France, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Spain, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the U.S. 13. 25. 22. This baby girl's name means "from the city of Hadria.". Meaning: Ocean Goddess, Queen, or guardian of justice. 42. Julie Baby Names. Some people say French names sound classy and sophisticated, and thats why they opt for those names. Most Popular French Girl Names. 19. Alix. Not a kid at school. Unique French names in the French Top 100 include Manon, Capucine, Zlie, and Malys for girls, and Mal, Gabin, Baptiste, and Maxence for boys. Depuis quelques temps , les prnoms se finissant en ine sont la mode : Appoline, Capucine, Eponine, Faustine Mathilde Making time for your pet. Camille 40. 3. ", Insee, Ranking of the most registered female baby names in France in 2020 Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/943342/popular-female-baby-names-in-france/ (last visited November 03, 2022), Ranking of the most registered female baby names in France in 2020, Median age of the population in France 2022, Gross domestic product (GDP) in France 2027, Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in France 2027, Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate in France 2027, France's share of global gross domestic product (GDP) 2027, Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors in France 2021, Distribution of the workforce across economic sectors in France 2019, Labor force participation rate in France 2019, National debt of France 2016-2019, with forecasts up until 2027, National debt of France in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2027, Ratio of military expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in France 2020, Government revenue and spending in France 2027, Ratio of government expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) in France 2027, Budget balance in France in relation to gross domestic product (GDP) 2027, Median age of the population in the top 20 countries 2021, Countries with the highest life expectancy 2020, Countries with the lowest infant mortality rate 2021, Countries with the largest gross domestic product (GDP) 2021, Countries with the largest proportion of global gross domestic product (GDP) 2021, Gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast in selected countries until 2027, Proportions of economic sectors in GDP in selected countries 2021, New cases of COVID-19 worldwide from January 23, 2020 to October 23, 2022, by day, Cumulative cases of COVID-19 worldwide from Jan. 22, 2020 to Oct. 23, 2022, by day, Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases, recoveries, and deaths worldwide as of October 24, 2022, Most common names among newborn boys in Sweden 2021, Most common names among newborn girls in Sweden 2021, Most commonly given baby boy names in Moscow 2021, Most popular first names of newborn girls in Finland 2020, Most popular names of newborn girls in Finland 2020, Leading baby girls names in the Netherlands 2021, Most popular first names of newborn boys in Finland in 2020, Leading baby boys names in the Netherlands 2021, Most commonly given baby girl names in Moscow 2021, Most popular female first names for children in Poland 2021, Most popular names for Hungarian boys 2021, Most popular first names for children in Poland 2021, Most popular male first names for children in Poland 2021, Ranking of the most common male names in Sweden 2021, Ranking of the most common female names in Sweden 2021, Revenue of Mattel's Fisher-Price brands worldwide 2016-2021, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Find a brief overview of all Outlooks here, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre. Movie: From the 2013 French-Belgian biographical drama film, French Names For Girls In Alphabetical Order. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? 37. If you are looking for names that are a bit more au courant, here is my curated list of top popular baby girl names in France today, that French parents tend to lean towards. By FrenchEntre. 1 LO 2 GABRIEL 3 RAPHAL 4 ARTHUR 5 LOUIS 6 JULES 7 ADAM 8 MAL 9 LUCAS 10 HUGO 11 NOAH 12 LIAM 13 GABIN 14 SACHA 15 PAUL 16 NATHAN 17 AARON 18 MOHAMED 19 ETHAN 20 TOM 21 EDEN 22 LON 23 NO 24 TIAGO 25 THO 26 ISAAC 27 MARIUS 28 VICTOR 29 AYDEN 30 MARTIN 31 NAL 32 MATHIS 33 AXEL 34 ROBIN 35 TIMO 36 ENZO 37 MARCEAU 38 VALENTIN 39 NINO 40 ELIOTT So why give your baby daughter a French name? Those poor kids. Jeanne 14. Jade was the most popular girls' name in 2020, according to the top ten list published by French national research institute Insee on Thursday. Alors, cest parti! 2. 10. Amlie The French take on the German name Amalia, this means "work," and has become especially popular after the well-loved 2001 French film, Amlie. Do any of the popular baby girl names from France in 2020 seem old fashioned to you? are some female French names that have become trendy again. Manon. Hlne 2. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. The year 2010 saw the girls' name Marie fall out of the top 10 names, with Manon taking its place. To use individual functions (e.g., mark statistics as favourites, set 23. Trs chic! By the way, if you havent read our post about the most popular French names for boys in 2020, you can do so here. 38. 7. 1. Being comfortable but finding a way to push yourself. Keep in mind that popular also means common french female names. 35. 6. 8. I love French names, especially hyphenated ones like Marie-Laure and Jean-Michel. Elisabeth Lou 16. Diane just always sounded old fashioned to me, like your boring great aunt. 45. You will receive an email asking to confirm your subscription. Did any of the popular French girl names surprise you? Raymone 30. 26. From the 1975 French historical drama film, LHistoire dAdle H. (The Story of Adle H.), Meaning: from the Old French name Alis, short form of Adelais, meaning of noble character or rank, of nobility, Meaning: people of victory; one who is victorious, Meaning: elevated, magnificent, high tower, , a media franchise adapted from the famous series Parisian childrens books of the same title, Meaning: fiery or burning ones, shining snake, flaming, glowing, Meaning: little violet, referring to both the flower and the. Jeanne 25. Malya. La Nicole 33. a Precious Jewel or gemstone or it also has a meaning of warm honey color. 9. 47. Annick Popular in: France, Belgium, Switzerland, and the U.S.

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popular female names in france