bionic turtle frm part 1 notes

Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Chapter 10: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Chapter 11: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Chapter 18: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Financial Markets & Products Topic Review, Chapter 3: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Chapter 5: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Chapter 9: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Chapter 11: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Chapter 12: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Chapter 13: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Chapter 15: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Chapter 16: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Part 1 Full Length Interactive Mock Exam 1, Part 1 Full Length Interactive Mock Exam 2, Instructional Video: Intro to Foundations of Risk, Study Notes: The Building Blocks of Risk Management, Practice Question Set: The Building Blocks of Risk Management, Instructional Video: The Building Blocks of Risk Management. Passed! Candidates achieve their FRM certifications through a comprehensive learning experience with tools, that go above and beyond the standard. Study Notes: Hull RMFI, Chapter 18: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book Practice Question Set: Hull RMFI, Chapter 18: Fundamental Review of the Trading Book Market Risk Measurement & Management Review 3 Topics This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Study Notes: The Building Blocks of Risk Management. * Explain the limitations of the mean-variance framework with respect to assumptions about return distributions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Chapter 1: The Building Blocks of Risk Management. Thanks! Thanks again Bionic Turtle for a great curriculum. Study Notes: How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk? I took the exam in Sydney and had a similar feeling about the exam being more qualitative (but no less rigorous). Couldn't have done it otherwise. Lesson Content. Quantitative Analysis. Bionic Turtle FRM Video Tutorials. Put your trust in Bionic Turtle: getting started is the biggest hurdle. Keep up the fantastic work! Passed! Chapter 2: How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk? If you are an independent learner who only needs the essentials, our Basic package is for you. So this tool was designed for free download documents from the internet. All backed by the largest, most active financial risk forum. Just read, answered questions, watched videos, read, more questions, and more questions! Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Probability 3 Topics. Thank you David and Nicole for your efforts! I'm a mechanical engineer who had a career in petroleum services, then I decided to switch career to financial risk management. The Advanced package gives you an additional level of support. autossl cpanel not working. Similar to our practice question sets, youll receive an even more realistic experience with real-time dynamics and a Q&A experience that is ideal for your final week of exam prep to boost readiness. Happy all the hard work paid off. Expand. An analyst has already estimated the unlevered (asset) beta of each of the firm's business units based on data from the unit's closest competitors, but would like to construct a beta metric that reflects the composite risk profile of the firm, taking into consideration its financing. Chapter 3: The Governance of Risk Management, Chapter 4. Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Chapter 5: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Chapter 6: The Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Chapter 7: Principles for Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting, Chapter 8: Enterprise Risk Management and Future Trends, Chapter 9: Learning from Financial Disasters, Chapter 10: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Foundations of Risk Management Interactive Quiz, Chapter 3: Common Univariate Random Variables, Chapter 8: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Chapter 12: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Chapter 2. Chapter 3: The Governance of Risk Management, Chapter 4. Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Chapter 5: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Chapter 6: The Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Chapter 7: Principles for Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting, Chapter 8: Enterprise Risk Management and Future Trends, Chapter 9: Learning from Financial Disasters, Chapter 10: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Chapter 3: Common Univariate Random Variables, Chapter 8: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Chapter 12: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Chapter 2. The FRM certification is the best known and most respected designation for financial risk, (recently, it has emerged as the gold standard in risk). I cleared my FRM part 1 in May 2019 by mostly studying Schweser's materials. FRM Part 2 Advanced - Bionic Turtle FRM Part 2 Advanced. BT was the right choice. Bionic Turtle places the integrity and quality of our materials at the forefront our Financial Risk Management (FRM) exam study products. Get answers from top experts, collaborate with peers, and receive study materials that are impactful and leverage success. Lesson Content. The Building Blocks of Risk Management Study notes updated to v5 on 01/29/21 (no new content/one LO removed) Study notes updated to v5-2 on 08/02/21 (pages 7 & 8 only) FRM-3 - Chapter 3. BT is always the recommendation I give to people aiming at the FRM designation! Market Risk Measurement & Management. Foundations of Risk Management Interactive Quiz. From the depth of our resources to the interactive nature of our materials and community, you wont find a better partner to achieve your FRM certification. Study Notes: How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk? FRM Part 1 Bionic Turtle. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. FRM - DOWNLOAD PDF . Expand All. Best Self-Paced Course: AnalystPrep. From the depth of our resources to the interactive nature of our materials and community, you wont find a better partner to achieve your FRM certification. 1 Bionic Turtle FRM Practice Questions P1.T1. Introduction to Foundations "Domain". Lesson Content . Learning Spreadsheet: Intro to VaR. Prep courses designed for you to pass the first time. Just read, answered questions, watched videos, read, more questions, and more questions! Study Notes: The Governance of Risk Management, Practice Question Set: The Governance of Risk Management, Instructional Video: The Governance of Risk Management, Study Notes: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Practice Question Set: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Instructional Video: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Study Notes: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Practice Question Set: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Instructional Video: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Study Notes: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Practice Question Set: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Instructional Video: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Study Notes: Principles for Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting, Practice Question Set: Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting Principles, Study Notes: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Future Trends, Practice Question Set: ERM and Future Trends, Study Notes: Learning from Financial Disasters, Practice Question Set: Learning from Financial Disasters, Instructional Video: Learning from Financial Disasters, Study Notes: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Practice Question Set: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Instructional Video: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Practice Question Set: GARP Code of Conduct, Practice Question Set: Fundamentals of Probability, Instructional Video: Fundamentals of Probability, Study Notes: Common Univariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Common Univariate Random Variables, Instructional Video: Common Univariate Random Variables, Study Notes: Multivariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Multivariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Hypothesis Testing, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Linear Regression, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Linear Regression, Study Notes: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Practice Question Set: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Practice Question Set: Regression Diagnostics, Practice Question Set: Stationary Time Series, Instructional Video: Stationary Time Series, Practice Question Set: Nonstationary Time Series, Instructional Video: Nonstationary Time Series, Study Notes: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Practice Question Set: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Study Notes: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Practice Question Set: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Instructional Video: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.d XLS Bundle, Study Notes: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Practice Question Set: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Instructional Video: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Practice Question Set: Introduction to Derivatives, Instructional Video: Introduction to Derivatives, Practice Question Set: Exchanges and OTC Markets, Instructional Video: Exchanges and OTC Markets, Central Clearing & Futures Markets, Practice Question Set: Using Futures for Hedging, Instructional Video: Using Futures for Hedging, Practice Question Set: Foreign Exchange Markets, Instructional Video: Foreign Exchange Markets, Study Notes: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Instructional Video: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Study Notes: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Instructional Video: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Properties of Options, Instructional Video: Properties of Options, Practice Question Set: Trading Strategies, Study Notes: Properties of Interest Rates, Practice Question Set: Properties of Interest Rates, Instructional Video: Properties of Interest Rates, Study Notes: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Practice Question Set: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Instructional Video: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Practice Question Set: Interest Rate Futures, Instructional Video: Interest Rate Futures, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.d XLS Bundle, Practice Question Set: Measures of Financial Risk, Instructional Video: Measures of Financial Risk, Study Notes: Calculating and Applying VaR, Practice Question Set: Calculating and Applying VaR, Instructional Video: Calculating and Applying VaR, Study Notes: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Practice Question Set: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Instructional Video: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Study Notes: External and Internal Ratings, Practice Question Set: External and Internal Ratings, Instructional Video: External and Internal Ratings, Study Notes: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Practice Question Set: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Instructional Video: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Practice Question Set: Measuring Credit Risk, Study Notes: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Practice Question Set: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Instructional Video: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Study Notes: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Practice Question Set: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Instructional Video: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Study Notes: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Practice Question Set: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Instructional Video: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Study Notes: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Practice Question Set: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Instructional Video: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Study Notes: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Practice Question Set: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Instructional Video: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Study Notes: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Practice Question Set: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Instructional Video: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.e XLS Bundle. ; Valuable asset for exam preparation and for your finances, with three levels of Study Plans, all with critical information that you'll find relevant and practical when earning your FRM designation. Certified FRMs are employed by almost every major global bank, government regulator, consulting firm, insurance, and financial services institution around the world. Click the start the download. Active Community Forum with 60,000+ members who use our boards to have lively discussion about concepts, share practice question information and communicate with our experts who regularly join the conversation. However, I felt I was better prepared thanks to the BT's relentless focus on throwing real life examples and methods. With our personalized FRM study plan, Bionic Turtle prep materials cover it all. First and only provider of this complementary instructional library, leveraged for comprehension of quantitative concepts. 2013 FRM Part 1 GARP Book-31 PDF Download now 2013 FRM Part 1 GARP Book-41 PDF Download now 2013 FRM Part 2 Schweser Study Notes 11 .. 2013 FRM Part 1 Schweser Study Notes Exams Bonus. . Please contact [email protected] for 2022 CFA SCHWESER notes and Qbanks. They found success through Bionic Turtle and you can too. Dowd, Measuring Market Risk, Chapters 3, 4 & 7 5 Topics . Practice Question Set: How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk? Our study course architects draw inspiration from customers. 0% Complete 0/3 Steps. By David Harper, CFA FRM. This thread is to give our members a quick reference to the new and updated Part 1 materials that we publish throughout the 2022 exam year. Our study packages, including study notes, practice questions, mock exams, instructional videos, spreadsheets, and more are comprehensive and inclusive of the most important elements of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) curriculum. You'll be able to utilize comprehensive FRM resources including practice questions, quizzes, mock exams, supplemental videos, and so much more. Study Notes: Dowd, Chapters 3, 4 & 7. Quantity Buy Now. Chapter 1. Practice Question Set: Fundamentals of Probability. Pass Your FRM Part I Exam the first time! All with BT! You'll feel at ease during your exam, having the ability to pass with flying colors. Passing the FRM exam is a challenge, and it may feel overwhelming. Have questions for the Bionic Turtle team? Thank you BT! 0% Complete 0/3 Steps. Study Notes: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications Practice Question Set: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications Chapter 6: Measuring Credit Risk 2 Topics Couldn't have done it otherwise. Happy all the hard work paid off. Thanks David and Nicole for your work and commitment. Bionic Turtle offers a well-structured and time-efficient package to help crack the FRM exam on the first attempt. and where structured in such a manner that the breadth and depth where optimal for exam preparation - clearly the exam would have been a catastrophe without BT! Our team listens and we understand exactly what you need to know in order to pass. Chapter 2: How Do Firms Manage Financial Risk? Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Chapter 10: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Chapter 11: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Chapter 18: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Financial Markets & Products Topic Review, Chapter 3: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Chapter 5: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Chapter 9: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Chapter 11: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Chapter 12: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Chapter 13: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Chapter 15: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Chapter 16: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Part 1 Full Length Interactive Mock Exam 1, Part 1 Full Length Interactive Mock Exam 2, Study Notes: The Building Blocks of Risk Management, Practice Question Set: The Building Blocks of Risk Management. provides the most in-depth information, organization, and research to get you ready for exam day. Certified FRM exam preparatory provider, recognized by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP). 409.1. 2022 GARP; 2021 FRM Part 1 Bionic Turtle Video lectures +Study Notes + Question Banks Get details about the FRM Part 1 exam and how Kaplan Schweser can help you pass the first time. Thanks David and Nicole for your work and commitment. Presented for efficient learning, our FRM study notes are convenient to access and help you review concepts with ease. The Building Blocks of Risk Management New study notes published 02/04/20 Updated Practice Question set with new PQs published 02/06/20 P1.T1.20.1. Passed part 1 from the first time with top quartiles and passed part 2 from the first time as well. 1,4,1,2,1,4! Chapter 1: The Building Blocks of Risk Management 3 Topics. Study Notes: The Governance of Risk Management, Practice Question Set: The Governance of Risk Management, Instructional Video: The Governance of Risk Management, Study Notes: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Practice Question Set: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Instructional Video: Credit Risk Transfer Mechanisms, Study Notes: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Practice Question Set: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Instructional Video: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Learning Spreadsheet 1 of 2: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Learning Spreadsheet 2 of 2: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Study Notes: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Practice Question Set: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Instructional Video: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Learning Spreadsheet: APT and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return, Study Notes: Principles for Effective Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting, Practice Question Set: Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting Principles, Study Notes: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Future Trends, Practice Question Set: ERM and Future Trends, Study Notes: Learning from Financial Disasters, Practice Question Set: Learning from Financial Disasters, Instructional Video: Learning from Financial Disasters, Study Notes: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Practice Question Set: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Instructional Video: Anatomy of the Great Financial Crisis, Practice Question Set: GARP Code of Conduct, Foundations of Risk Focus Review Video 1 of 2, Foundations of Risk Focus Review Video 2 of 2, Practice Question Set: Fundamentals of Probability, Instructional Video: Fundamentals of Probability, Learning Spreadsheet: Fundamentals of Probability, Study Notes: Common Univariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Common Univariate Random Variables, Instructional Video: Common Univariate Random Variables, Learning Spreadsheet: Common Univariate Random Variables, Study Notes: Multivariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Multivariate Random Variables, Practice Question Set: Hypothesis Testing, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Linear Regression, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Linear Regression, Study Notes: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Practice Question Set: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Regression with Multiple Explanatory Variables, Practice Question Set: Regression Diagnostics, Practice Question Set: Stationary Time Series, Instructional Video: Stationary Time Series, Learning Spreadsheet: Stationary Time Series, Practice Question Set: Nonstationary Time Series, Instructional Video: Nonstationary Time Series, Learning Spreadsheet: Nonstationary Time Series, Study Notes: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Practice Question Set: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Instructional Video 1 of 2: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Instructional Video 2 of 2: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Learning Spreadsheet: Measuring Return, Volatility, and Correlation, Study Notes: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Practice Question Set: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Instructional Video: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Learning Spreadsheet: Simulation and Bootstrapping, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T2.d XLS Bundle, Study Notes: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Practice Question Set: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Instructional Video: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Learning Spreadsheet: Insurance Companies and Pension Plans, Practice Question Set: Introduction to Derivatives, Instructional Video: Introduction to Derivatives, Learning Spreadsheet: Introduction to Derivatives, Practice Question Set: Exchanges and OTC Markets, Instructional Video: Exchanges and OTC Markets, Central Clearing & Futures Markets, Practice Question Set: Using Futures for Hedging, Instructional Video: Using Futures for Hedging, Learning Spreadsheet: Using Futures for Hedging, Practice Question Set: Foreign Exchange Markets, Instructional Video: Foreign Exchange Markets, Learning Spreadsheet: Foreign Exchange Markets, Study Notes: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Instructional Video: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Learning Spreadsheet: Pricing Financial Forwards and Futures, Study Notes: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Instructional Video: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Learning Spreadsheet: Commodity Forwards and Futures, Practice Question Set: Properties of Options, Instructional Video: Properties of Options, Learning Spreadsheet: Properties of Options, Practice Question Set: Trading Strategies, Study Notes: Properties of Interest Rates, Practice Question Set: Properties of Interest Rates, Instructional Video: Properties of Interest Rates, Learning Spreadsheet: Properties of Interest Rates, Study Notes: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Practice Question Set: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Instructional Video: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Learning Spreadsheet: Mortgages and Mortgage-Backed Securities, Practice Question Set: Interest Rate Futures, Instructional Video: Interest Rate Futures, Learning Spreadsheet: Interest Rate Futures, Financial Markets & Products Focus Review Video (1 of 3), Financial Markets & Products Focus Review Video (2 of 3), Financial Markets & Products Focus Review Video (3 of 3), Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T3.d XLS Bundle, Practice Question Set: Measures of Financial Risk, Instructional Video: Measures of Financial Risk, Study Notes: Calculating and Applying VaR, Practice Question Set: Calculating and Applying VaR, Instructional Video: Calculating and Applying VaR, Learning Spreadsheet: Calculating and Applying VaR, Study Notes: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Practice Question Set: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Instructional Video: Measuring and Monitoring Volatility, Study Notes: External and Internal Ratings, Practice Question Set: External and Internal Ratings, Instructional Video: External and Internal Ratings, Study Notes: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Practice Question Set: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Instructional Video: Country Risk: Country Risk: Determinants, Measures, and Implications, Practice Question Set: Measuring Credit Risk, Study Notes: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Practice Question Set: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Instructional Video: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Learning Spreadsheet: Pricing Conventions, Discounting, and Arbitrage, Study Notes: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Practice Question Set: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Instructional Video: Bond Yields and Return Calculations, Study Notes: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Practice Question Set: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Instructional Video: Applying Duration, Convexity, and DV01, Study Notes: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Practice Question Set: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Instructional Video: Modeling and Hedging Non-Parallel Term Structure Shifts, Study Notes: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Practice Question Set: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Instructional Video: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Learning Spreadsheet: The Black-Scholes-Merton Model, Study Notes: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Practice Question Set: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Instructional Video: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Learning Spreadsheet: Option Sensitivity Measures: The Greeks, Valuation and Risk Models Focus Review Video (1 of 3), Valuation and Risk Models Focus Review Video (2 of 3), Valuation and Risk Models Focus Review Video (3 of 3), Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.a XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.b XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.c XLS Bundle, Learning Spreadsheets: P1.T4.e XLS Bundle.

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bionic turtle frm part 1 notes