should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds

To make such an assumption seems to me, indeed, quite unscientific. I am myself by training geared to philosophy, especially moral philosophy or ethics. So although we may not always we share knowledge, it seems that (We will have to allow, of course, for knowledge that comes by chanceserendipity when it is welcome and bad when it isnot). The Limits to the Investigate Tion Are a series of principles and rules that prevent the use of science to the detriment of the human being or the environment. References Citing Literature Volume 26, Issue 3 19. On the 30th of October, grade 11s experimented with the TOK Exhibition, an assessment which focuses on what objects can tell us about knowledge. Such appeals to ignorance, for such they are, are a spittin image of the old religious argument that the all-powerful Gods ways are mysterious (remember, in William Cowpers Table Talk, God moves in mysterious ways his wonders to perform) so that what seems to be his indifference to human suffering turns out in the end to be protective love. Wie sind Sie auf die IS Ruhr aufmerksam geworden?Familie, Freunde, BekannteWebsiteSocial MediaAnzeigeBroschreSonstiges, Villa Koppers if u want u can share ur commentaries with me and i can give u feedback even i got an 8/10 tho:), Can you please what objects do you chose? I got 6 7 8 for the 3 commentaries for the first teacher marking and I turned the final versions in maybe 2 weeks ago, i'm so nervous :(( our school's known for having a shit tok curriculum though so i'm hoping my exhibition will get moderated up haha and good luck for yours too, hope you can find the 3rd object! 1 a) Choose the IA prompts from the list of prescribed IA prompts (see below). There are two ways to decide what we ought to do, to judge whether actions are right or wrong. of science and its practical partner technology there are two things which ethnically speaking seem to be fundamental. Humanists, to be sure, In answer to a question from the audience he drove his point home by saying, I know of no scientific discovery for which we have any cause to regret, not even the atom bomb. This could only mean, plainly and affirmatively stated, that we ought to seek any and all knowledge regardless of the consequences. As a first step in the exhibition process, you should choose the IA prompt you will use to connect the three objects to. Full-text available . The TOK essay is of 10 marks, externally assessed which counts for 67% of the TOK total score. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, a humanist, a nonscientist, might have something worthwhile to say sometimes about technical decisions. Sir George Pickering, Regius Professor of Medicine in Oxford, decided the prospect was horrifying because, unlike other body cells, brain cells cannot regenerate and the longevitists would therefore end up 13. Get started for FREE Continue. I picked this prompt quite arbitrarily and just because I found it interesting, but I've recently seen on this sub-reddit that the ethics topic is highly recommended to not be written about, because it can get touchy, get a bit too far away from TOK concepts, is hard to come meaningful conclusions, and is a difficult topic overall that students struggle to represent correctly. He pointed out that when risk-benefit questions are problematic, as they often are, there are two eminently sensible indicators, without which a ban on research would not be justified. (1) you cannot rely on one best way. In this kind of rhetoric terrible tragedies, cosmic or natural disasters, like epidemics and earthquakes, and heartbreaking cases of innocent suffering and death due to accidents or disease, are really all to the good, and we should know it if only we could share in Gods infinite knowledge. One thing you cant argue is that it is ethically wrong, on principle, to take a photograph of something that is ethically wrong, or wrong to view such photographs, or seek them out. I leave that for you to judge. In point of fact, I do not universalize human well-being, I do not claim it for everybody all of the time, and this is for the simple reason that to do so would land me in many impossible multilemmas, since human interests often cut across eachothers. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? One might argue that some knowledge should not be sought because it could do more harm than good to society. It was the scientists themselves who called a halt, not the hysterics who were crying havoc if they went ahead. Ethics. 1 The etymology of inchoo seems to point towards the Greek ' ,' 'make an incision, slit somet ; 7 In doing so, pragmatism sets itself apart not only from objectivistic approaches in social philosophy, but also from deontological ethics in the tradition of Kant. It follows from this that there is some merit in the charges often brought against science in the public forum, especially that science is indifferent to its applications; that it seems sometimes to prostitute itself to industry and government in order to get funds, andfinally and at bottomthat it is dangerous because its first loyalty is to knowledge, not topeople. Your email address will not be published. I recall a scientific friend once waxing rhetorical and saying, We are, for good or ill, caught up in extrapolations of what we know, and there is no stopping or turning back. things to avoid, things to consider and some tips and helpful advice for each title). Let me just mention three. Lets not get bogged down, however, in the problematic issues of nuclear warfare. The first was that there must be a clear danger, and the second was that the danger must be present, not a merely speculative forecast of the sort used in slippery slope objections to innovative newknowledge. In recent times has reached such an advance that . Explicitly, Brain said man certainly has not the capacity to decide that some particular line of scientific research ought to be abandoned because of its supposed evil consequences for mankind, This, surely, is a devout confession of faith, of piety, of whole-souled belief, a priori, without any testable grounding in empiricaldata., Primary School Primary Years (Klasse 1 5), Secondary School Secondary Years (Klasse 6 12). This linguistic understanding of the term makes it the key to the virtue of prudence, a consideration of the consequences in moraljudgments. So long as it can be sought by ethical means, that should be the only disqualifier. In this video I will be breaking down title 6 from the May 2022 TOK essay questions: If we conclude that there is some knowledge we should not pursue on ethical grounds, how can we. In biotechnology, for example, science is obviously the vera causa. (2) the most effective solution is based on the situation. IB ToK Exhibition: The Definitive Guide (2021) - Nail IB I recall a few decades ago, when student protests were an almost weekly occurrence, the demonstrations demanding the resignation of the psychologist Hans Eysenck, Professor of Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London for his claim that the IQ of infants varies with race. TOK Exhibition_Updated.pdf - Should some knowledge not be sought on My objection is that their fix is the wrong one. The other thing is, as I see it, far more dangerousthe mistaken notion that science is value free and that scientific knowledge is adiaphorous, that is, morally neutral, and should not be subject to any limitingprinciples. us that all new knowledge is really good and we doubt it only because of our finite understanding and lack of faith that knowledge which in our limited perspective we think is dangerous will in fact bring benefit. My own guess is that ethical neutralists still abound in scientific circles, even though there are some distinguished ones like Leo Szilard and Hans Bethe and Linus Pauling who have stoutly denied that the neutralist doctrine is valid. partnership, on a macro as well as a micro scale, we need the help of mathematics to servejustice. It is true, I suppose, that in a religious world view the human race could survive its extinction. Truth is out there, truth is merely correspondence with reality. Understanding TOK as a methodology is very important, for it establishes the concurrency of learning with other IB courses. OR Who owns knowledge? Data or facts are in some legitimate sense value free. But scientistsa word which literally means seekers of knowledgeare human beings and therefore moral agents. TOK exhibition and TOK exhibition examples As a value assertion this was both moralistic and absolutistic. 16. Exhibition Question Science and technology have to stand before the bar of ethics, too. Ethics topic for TOK Exhibit? : r/IBO - reddit However, one could imagine much worse. What bearing do morality and ethics have, or should they have, on the things we know or suppose weknow? At one time most inhabitants of the pure science community would have doubted this. Geniuses don't create truth, they just discover it - and . Without subsidies from business, technology would starve to death, and in turn business without technology would be unable to go on multiplying the productivity of its human and machinelabor. We are not talking about censorship. Instead a web of wonder starts to spin itself. Note that the subreddit is not run by the International Baccalaureate. DE- 45138 Essen To create the exhibition you should follow three steps: 1) Choose the IA prompt and (images of) objects, 2) Prepare the documents for moderation 3) Showcase the exhibition. I present you; some insightful messages from fellow IB Did anyone else know that AA math exam is tomorrow? This turning to measurementnot only in economics and politics but in ethics as wellis aimed at a careful calculation of relative values and claims in an effort to find a fair balance. Imagine science without electronic microscopes or microscopy without science. Remember that all three (images of) objects should relate to the same prompt. How do professional codes of ethics in ________ (AOK) determine ethical guidelines? I have of course constantly insisted that there is no human act which is always wrong or without the possibility of being justified in conceivable circumstances, however rarely or atypically this might be the case. A few years ago I had a phone call from somebody in Washington. Picking a Prompt It was even more exciting to have a few masked-visitors come to examine their objects and question them on how they related to knowledge. SonstigesEarly YearsPrimary YearsSecondary YearsAufnahmeFrderverein Nonetheless, although business and technology are not coterminous they have become symbiotic functionally. The DNA moratorium and controversy was a dramatic Spokesmen for science often express a belief that in the short or long run their successes and discoveries will always benefit mankind. That was consequential thinking. There are many scientists who still contend that facts and values are not only of different orders but poles apart; that what ought to be has no acceptable place in the business of learning what is. Objects employed include Mark Zu.css-shaae9{font-weight:700;line-height:1.7142857142857142;font-size:0.875rem;text-transform:capitalize;font-family:Public Sans,sans-serif;min-width:64px;padding:6px 8px;border-radius:8px;transition:background-color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,box-shadow 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,border-color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms;color:#00AB55;}.css-shaae9:hover{text-decoration:none;background-color:rgba(0, 171, 85, 0.08);}@media (hover: none){.css-shaae9:hover{background-color:transparent;}}.css-shaae9.Mui-disabled{color:rgba(145, 158, 171, 0.8);}.css-shaae9:hover{box-shadow:none;}.css-1egnrau{display:inline-flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;position:relative;box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;background-color:transparent;outline:0;border:0;margin:0;border-radius:0;padding:0;cursor:pointer;user-select:none;vertical-align:middle;-moz-appearance:none;-webkit-appearance:none;text-decoration:none;color:inherit;font-weight:700;line-height:1.7142857142857142;font-size:0.875rem;text-transform:capitalize;font-family:Public Sans,sans-serif;min-width:64px;padding:6px 8px;border-radius:8px;transition:background-color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,box-shadow 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,border-color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms,color 250ms cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1) 0ms;color:#00AB55;}.css-1egnrau::-moz-focus-inner{border-style:none;}.css-1egnrau.Mui-disabled{pointer-events:none;cursor:default;}@media print{.css-1egnrau{color-adjust:exact;}}.css-1egnrau:hover{text-decoration:none;background-color:rgba(0, 171, 85, 0.08);}@media (hover: none){.css-1egnrau:hover{background-color:transparent;}}.css-1egnrau.Mui-disabled{color:rgba(145, 158, 171, 0.8);}.css-1egnrau:hover{box-shadow:none;}Show more. Without trivializing the question, the inescapable logic of this is that if burglars for their own purposes want to know the principles of electronic security locks, physicists and chemists should publish abroad the secrets of it. They are worth something only because they are worth something to somebody, some sentientbeing. 2. So much so that the old saying fits, "If you aren't confused you simply don't understand the problem." awh nooo, i've also chosen this as my IA prompt and am also looking for a 3rd object ahah but i've just seen this post TT hopefully we still get decent grades for choosing these prompts ahh goodluck dudeee. Each would be crippled without the other; each in its own way is a symbiont. Ergo, find out how to lengthen human lives and damn all (my phrase, not his) to the consequences. Most would agree that there is scientific research that is inherently unethical and ought not to be pursued. Reading the 35 IA prompts one at a time can be time consuming, but that's the only best way to know the concept behind each question as it relates to the Theory of Knowledge. with a great population of young bodies and senile minds. and finite are demonic, to use a classical word for it. " I decided on this prompt, because I believe as humans we have an innate thirst for knowledge, constantly yearning to learn something new. One is the fact that science is so linked to technology that when the public interest is affected whatever gains or losses can be imputed to the one can be imputed in some measure to the other. Ethics as a discipline deals fundamentally with two problems. According to deontological approaches, practical reason is a representation of formal, as well as . To make an end, I reiterate my thesis: the humanist subordinates everything, including science and knowledge, to the test of human benefit. Of course, it would be unethical to actually torture people in order to get this knowledge, but much research can be done exploring the work of others, for example, by going through documents left undestroyed by the East German Stasi, or the Nazi concentration camp doctors. Ethical judgment is reasoning about the possible alternatives in a situation and judging which alternative is the most ethical one. Too often people think that to be a pure scientist, searching for knowledge so basic and unknown that you hardly know exactly what it is you are looking for, is to be Promethean willing to search out the as yet unknownbut let it come whatever it is. Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? 1. If the one cannot be absolutized, it might be asked, why should theother? Reasons Scientists Avoid Thinking about Ethics - ScienceDirect Step 1: choose the IA prompt and look for three objects. Some aspects will link to just one prompt and some may have a closer link to several of the 35 IA prompts. To be promethean means literally to act with forethought, to think ahead, to consider consequences. In conclusion, it should be stressed that individuals possessing knowledge should take ethical and moral responsibility for their actions. (An ignoramus, after all, is not just ignorant but lovesignorance.). He asks, Is there such a thing as socially responsible science? Key Words and Phrases (PT#6) - TOK Tips You have read 1 of 10 free articles in the past 30 days. This massive Armageddon would be what theologians call the eschatological event, the last and final state of things, and on that faith ground (fideism) we could, presumably, escape the tyranny of survival, as some have called it. Such gods, being outgrown, have always been cast aside. I evaluate consequences by whether they yield human benefits. All rights reserved. Hence, there are several implications related to this Area of knowledge. What about editorial cartoons? Speaking as a humanist, therefore, I want to insist that the distinction between science and technology is merely conceptual, notactual. It means, of course, that we ought not to harm human beings, except when it is done as the lesser evil in a trade-off (as insurgery). For my TOK Exhibit, I chose prompt 16: should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? medical technologies in the Congressional Office of TechnologyAssessment.. A photojournalist makes a photographic essay about a tribe who practice ritual cannibalism, with shots of a family sitting round a fire, biting chunks out of a recently deceased grandparent. In the above example, an argument is expected from the student to convey both pros and cons of 'Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds?'. When scientists team up with technology are they not then in some measure responsible for the outcome? For this exhibition, the TOK prompt I chose was "Should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds? Underpinning TOK is the knowledge framework, which has four elements: Those who defend it will have to contend that all knowledge, without exception, has good consequencesthat even if its immediate consequences are bad its remote result will, on the principle of proportionate good, balance out as desirable. Its only real appeal is to a handful of true believers who still wait hungrily and literally for the end of theworld. The ethical obligation to weigh consequenceswhat I have just referred to as a calculation of pluses and minuses in outcomesplaces on conscientious persons the serious burden of relativities. Theory of Knowledge (ToK) - Stephen Perse Foundation IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) tutors - IB Ace Academy The May 2022 TOK Essay Titles - IBMastery Copyright 2022 The Virginia Quarterly Review. One thing you can't argue is that it is ethically wrong, on principle, to take a photograph of something that is ethically wrong, or wrong to view such photographs, or seek them out. What is forbidden or forbiddable is not knowledge per se, not knowledge as such. Actually, that kind of blind truth seeking is the exact opposite ofPromethean. Or, to put it another way, is knowledge really an absolute good, subject to no limiting principles, subject to no values? Dr. Thomas had just at that time written that since we humans are curious, knowledge seekers, it would be wrong to suppose that the human mind can rise above its ignorance by simply asserting there are things it has no need to know. Then he added, This, to my way of thinking, is the real hubris, arid it carries dangers for usall.. Ethics Question - Standard I(B) and IV(C), Im sorry but how has no one made a meme with this text book. A consensus of opinion is likely to give most praise to the person who is both knowledgeable and ethical, and supporters of such a view may argue that being knowledgeable is 'better' as the most ethical behaviour is dependent upon first acquiring knowledge. All knowledge is not equal, and there are innate risks involved in even attempting to pursue certain kinds of knowledge. If a 15 year old girl wants to marry a person whom she loves, shouldn't she be allowed that choice? The learning partners set up their stations in museum-like fashion in the Learn Atelier of the SY Building and each displayed three objects that they carefully selected.

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should some knowledge not be sought on ethical grounds