persian gulf also known as arabian gulf islands

dream catcher pictures for wall. List of GCC countries, Gulf countries, [19] Iranian Viewpoints [ edit] Mike Wallace interviews Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran, in 1974 at CBS 60 Minutes. It is the namesake of the 1991 Gulf War, the largely air- and land-based conflict that followed Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Under the leadership of the Achaemenid king Darius the Great (Darius I), Persian ships found their way to the Persian Gulf. Starting from the 201314 season the name was changed to UAE Arabian Gulf League, as well as their League Cup and Super Cup competitions. Persian Gulf, Arabic Bar Fris, Persian Khalj-e Frs, also called Arabian Gulf, shallow marginal sea of the Indian Ocean that lies between the Arabian Peninsula and southwestern Iran. [18] The originator of the term Islamic Gulf is not known, while some people suggest that prominent figures of the early years of the Islamic republic including Ruhollah Khomeini, Mehdi Bazargan, and Sadegh Khalkhali may have supported the idea. Just south of Bahrain, is the independent . The Persian Gulf has many fishing grounds, extensive reefs (mostly rocky, but also coral), and abundant pearl oysters, but its ecology has been damaged by industrialization and oil spills. The Persian Gulf is in the Persian Gulf Basin, which is of Cenozoic origin and related to the subduction of the Arabian Plate under the Zagros Mountains. Three of these, Qeshm, Hormuz, and Hengam- located south of Bandar Abbas city- are the most popular and fairly close to each other. Corrections? The United Nations on many occasions has requested that only "Persian Gulf" be used as the official and standard geographical designation for the body of water. The Persian Gulf, along with the Silk Road, were important trade routes in the Sassanid Empire. When onshore winds are strong, the level of the coastal waters, particularly in the southern gulf, may rise by as much as 8 feet (2.4 metres), causing extensive flooding of the low sebkhas. The Persian Gulf has hosted some of the most magnificent marine fauna and flora, some of which are near extirpation or at serious environmental risk. The top football league in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was founded in 1973 as the UAE Football League. Mohammed Thani Murshed Al Romaithi", "MIDEAST Gulf rivalry between Iran, UAE transfered [, "Iran accuses UAE of racism in renaming Pro League to the Arabian Gulf League", "Iran bars captain's UAE transfer over Gulf name", "Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the name: Persian Gulf", Factsheet on the Legal and Historical Usage of the "Persian Gulf" ISG MIT, ISNA: "Goods labelled with "Arabian Gulf" banned in Iran. In the second century the Lakhum tribe, who lived in what is now Yemen, migrated north and founded the Lakhmid Kingdom along the southern coast. It is located in Western Asia. Large quantities of fine dust and, in places, quartz sand, however, are blown into the sea by predominant northwest winds from the desert areas of the surrounding lands. For the region in Australia, see, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names. The Persian Gulf is located between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. These gentle mammals feed on sea grass and are closer relatives of certain land mammals than are dolphins and whales. Depths less than 50 m predominate; the maximum depth is 102 m. Omissions? An extension of the Indian Ocean (Gulf of Oman) through the Strait of Hormuz, it lies between Iran to the northeast and the Arabian Peninsula to the southwest. This name has become contested by some Arab countries since the 1960s[3] in connection with the emergence of pan-Arabism and Arab nationalism, resulting in the invention of the toponym "Arabian Gulf" (Arabic: ) as well as the "Gulf", which are terms used in some Arab countries. Iran was originally known as Persia and that is where the gulf derived its name from. The Arvand Rud (Shatt al-Arab) river delta forms the northwest shoreline. Area - 371,000 Sq Km. [9] Data from different 3D computational fluid mechanics models, typically with spatial resolution of 3 kilometres (1.9mi) and depth each element equal to 110 metres (3.332.8ft) are predominantly used in computer models. Humidity is high. Map of the Coast of Arabia, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. [79] Mangroves are a diverse group of shrubs and trees belonging to the genus Avicennia or Rhizophora that flourish in the salt water shallows of the Persian gulf, and are the most important habitats for small crustaceans that dwell in them. [40], In Persian Gulf States Country Studies published in 1993 by the Federal Research Division of the U.S. Library of Congress, the authors follow the practise of the BGN by using "Persian Gulf" while acknowledging that the governments of Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman and Bahrain "officially reject the use of the term Persian Gulfas do other Arab governmentsand refer to that body of water as the Arabian Gulf".[41]. Geographically, the biggest island in the Persian Gulf is Qeshm island, belonging to Iran and located in the Strait of Hormuz. In this basin vast quantities of sediments accumulatedmostly limestone and marls (a mixture of calcareous and silicate mud), together with evaporites and organic matterwhich ultimately produced the areas extensive oil resources. It is noticeably asymmetrical in profile, with the deepest water occurring along the Iranian coast and a broad shallow area, which is usually less than 120 feet (35 metres) deep, along the Arabian coast. Kuwaits capital, Kuwait City, is also located along the gulf coast. [26], Iran officially designated 30 April as National Persian Gulf Day. [33], Portuguese influence in the Persian Gulf lasted for 250 years;[34] however, since the beginning of the 16th century, Portuguese dominance[35] contended with the local powers and the Ottoman Empire. provider of shade and fruits crossword clue; east asian skin tones; do tax dollars pay for college coaches. The Persian Gulf is also referred to as the Arabian Gulf or Gulf of Iran. [79], Real estate development in the Persian Gulf by the United Arab Emirates and Oman also raised concerns that habitats of species such as the hawksbill turtle, greater flamingo, and booted warbler may be destroyed. [47] The United Kingdom maintains a profile in the region; in 2006 alone, over 1million British nationals visited Dubai. In 1521, the Portuguese invaded and took over Bahrain and established the pearl industry. Use Arabian Gulf only in direct quotations and explain in the text that the body of water is more commonly known as the Persian Gulf. The Persian Gulf was therefore opened to a flourishing commerce with the Portuguese, Dutch, French, Spanish and the British merchants, who were granted particular privileges. The term Persian Gulf (or Arabian Gulf, the name used by Arabs) sometimes is employed to refer not only to the Persian Gulf proper but also to its outlets, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman, which open into the Arabian Sea. It was published by order of Jean-Frdric Phlypeaux, Count de Maurepas (1701-81), secretary of state under . Don't miss the latest updates on Persian Gulf news, including official events, meetings of world leaders, and more. [22] The name Gulf of Iran (Persian Gulf) is used by the International Hydrographic Organization.[23]. Major seas of world : Caspian Sea. The Persian Gulf receives only small amounts of river-borne sediment except in the northwest, where immense quantities of silt are deposited by the Tigris, Euphrates, and Krn rivers and other smaller streams as they empty into the gulf, by way of the Shatt Al-Arab. [5]. The Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf contain treasures that showcase human genius as well as natural gems. Before Iran discovered oil in the Persian Gulf, the gulf was mainly important for fishing, dhow building, pearling, sailcloth making, and date growing. Persia is the ancient name for Iran and Persian Gulf is the most widely accepted reference for the body of water in question and has been since the fifth century B.C. The entrance from the Arabian Sea is via the Straits of Hormuz, which at their narrowest are only about 55 kilometers wide. [88][89] However, with the advent of artificial island development, most of their habitat is destroyed, or occupied by man-made structures. Physical features Physiography [45][46][47] This was the combined efforts of hundreds of bloggers, webmasters and Persian forums who pointed links with the word Arabian Gulf to a spoof error page found at this link.[47]. Important Islands - Bulla island, Piralhi island, Nargin island. This resulted in heavy protests by many Iranians, especially the Internet user community and the Iranology Academy,[44] which led to the Iranian government acting on the issue and banning the distribution of the society's publications in Iran. Description. 19th Century reconstruction of 194 BC Eratosthenes' map, Denoting Persian Gulf. Exploration is ongoing, with new deposits discovered offshore. The term Persian Gulf (or Arabian Gulf, the name used by Arabs) sometimes is employed to refer not only to the Persian Gulf proper but also to its outlets, the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman, which open into the Arabian Sea. [24] Rivalry between Iran and some Arab states, along with the emergence of pan-Arabism and Arab nationalism, has seen the name "Arabian Gulf" become predominant in most Arab countries. The region experiences more cloud cover in winter than summer. Documents on the Persian Gulf's name the eternal heritage ancient time. This inland sea of some 251,000 km is connected to the Gulf of Oman in the east by the Strait of Hormuz; and its western end is marked by the major river delta of the Shatt al-Arab, which carries the waters of the Euphrates and the Tigris. Occasional ancient battles took place along the Persian Gulf coastlines, between the Sassanid Persian empire and the Lakhmid Kingdom, the most prominent of which was the invasion led by Shapur II against the Lakhmids, leading to Lakhmids' defeat, and advancement into Arabia, along the southern shore lines. The Al Fahidi Mosque, quiet . amoled wallpapers for pc 1366x768; some employers choose to implement non mandatory precautions including Qeshm Island is the largest island in the Persian Gulf, covering approximately 1,491 km2 (almost 2.5 times the size of Bahrain). A Saudi ARAMCO map from 1952 using the term "Persian Gulf" ( ). Concerns regarding the endangerment of the kalbaensis subspecies of the collared kingfishers were raised by conservationists over real estate development by the United Arab Emirates and Oman. The most common marine animals in the Gulf and neighboring Mediterranean region are the finless porpoises. ", Occasional Paper of MEI The Persian Gulf: Validity of the Name Issue No. Some parties use terms like "The Gulf" or the "Arabo-Persian Gulf". In 2004, the society published a new edition of its National Geographic Atlas of the World using the term "Arabian Gulf" as an alternative name (in smaller type and in parentheses) for "Persian Gulf". The area has about two-thirds of the worlds oil reserve and one-third of the estimated natural gas reserve. Near Places. . The Persian Gulf is joined in the east to the Arabian Sea by the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. It connects with the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea through the Strait of Hormuz, which is 30 to 60 miles (48 to 96 kilometers) wide. The Persian Gulf lies between Arabian Peninsula and Iran to the southwest and northeast respectively. The wind affects local currents and sometimes reverses them. [58] Similarly, the Arab Gulf Cup Football Federation was founded in 2016 for the Arab states of the Persian Gulf. There are several islands in the Persian Gulf, including Bahrain, the Persian Gulf state. the small, independent island state of Bahrain, which consists of an archipelago of 33, sometimes tiny, low-lying islands. Middle West. [52] The Iran national football team does not take part in the Arabian Gulf Cup for national teams surrounding the waters.[53]. Thunderstorms and fog are rare, but dust storms and haze occur frequently in summer. Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe de Perse This 1740 map is by the French cartographer and hydrographer Jacques-Nicolas Bellin (1703-72). [1] It is connected to the Gulf of Oman in the east by the Strait of Hormuz. The water from the Persian Gulf has a higher salinity, and therefore exits from the bottom of the Strait, while ocean water with less salinity flows in through the top. The islands in the gulf are distributed across the entire geographic area. Although Iraq has the shortest coastline, it is the most populous Persian Gulf State, with about 41.2 million people. The Persian Gulf (Persian: , romanized:xalij-e frs, lit. The Archaeology of the Arabian Gulf, C Michael Rice 1994 Archaeology of the United Arab Emirates Daniel T. Potts 2003 Life and Land Use on the Bahrain Islands Curtis E. Larsen 1983 According to archeological and historical records, the Bahrain Islands of the Arabian Gulf were the home of a flourishing civilization four thousant years ago. Chapter 19 Test Review. The UK still maintains a profile in the region. The Persian Gulf and interior regions is also known as the . Tehran (IP)- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has discussed the baseless accusations by foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, stressing that three islands of Abu Musa, the Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb eternally belong to Iran. Other popular cities along the Persian Gulf are Al-Faw (Iraq), Bandar Abbas (Iran), Khobar (Saudi Arabia), and Doha (Qatar). "Some Arab nations call it the Arabian Gulf. During the end of the fourth millennium BC, the southern part of the Persian Gulf was dominated by the Dilmun civilization. There are several islands on the Persian Gulf with some being disputed among the Persian Gulf states. Term. persian gulf also known as arabian gulf islands. [11] In the book of Nearchus known as The Indik (300 BC), the word "Persikon kaitas" is mentioned for multiple times meaning "Persian gulf". Iran does not consider this an impartial usage and views it as an active contribution to abandonment of the historical name. The water body is bounded by several countries, including Iran to the north, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates on the peninsula, and Bahrain, Iraq, and Kuwait in the northwest. "[citation needed] The Assyrians called it the "Bitter Sea". The Persian Gulf is located in Western Asia between Iran to the northeast and the Arabian Peninsula to the southwest. In Babylonian texts, it was known as "the sea above Akkad. According to Greek scholars, the body of water bordering the Persis region was named the Persian Gulf. Before the current name, the gulf was known by several names, including the Red Sea and Sea above Akkad., Although the gulf is internationally and historically known as the Persian Gulf, some Arab countries have disputed the name. The Arabs feel that it should be called the Arabian Gulf. Depths less than 50 m predominate; the maximum depth is 102 m. Persian Gulf facts. [29][30], Gulf Cooperation Council states prefer the use of the term "Arabian Gulf". There are numerous islands, some of which are salt plugs or domes and others merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris. He said that it was "without foundation" to claim the Romans named it "Arabian Gulf". [32], Abdel Khaleq al-Janabi, a Saudi Arabian historian, said "It's this name [Persian Gulf] that has been retained by history books and Arab historians, like Ibn Khaldoun and Ibn al Athir. The Persian Gulf is a gulf in the Arabian Sea. The Arab countries and Iran have been engaged in disputes from time immemorial. Documents on the Persian Gulf's name the eternal heritage ancient time,by Dr.M.Ajam. High Seas or "international waters" is defined as the waters beyond the Territorial waters (up to 12 nautical miles) and beyond the Exclusive Economic Zone (up to 200 nm) of a coastal state. The Persian Gulf (Persian: , romanized: xalij-e frs, lit. It is also recognised as the legal international standard by the United Nations , which. The sparse rainfall occurs mainly as sharp downpours between November and April and is higher in the northeast. [41] [25], The Iranian government threatened to sue Google, warning it will face "serious damages" if it does not denote the area as the Persian Gulf. [79] Estimates from 2006 showed that only three viable nesting sites were available for this ancient bird, one located 80 miles (129km) from Dubai, and two smaller sites in Oman. [12] This, coupled with the decreasing influence of Iran on the political and economic priorities of the English-speaking Western World, led to increasing acceptance, both in regional politics and the mostly petroleum-related business, of the new alternative naming convention "Arabian Gulf" in Arab countries. [34] And many prominent scholars and political and religious leaders such as Professor Abdelhadi Tazi, Ahmad al-Saraf, Abdelilah Benkirane (Prime Minister of Morocco from 2011 to 2017), Abdul Monem Saeed, Abdul Khaliq al-Janabi, Qaradawi, Gen. Majdi Omar, Former First Deputy of the Egyptian National Defense Council in recent decades have commented on the authenticity of the name of the Persian Gulf and the lack of justification for changing the name. Yalda Night (also known as Shab-e Chelleh) is one of the most ancient Persian festivals celebrated by Iranians which marks the longest night of the year. [54] The name change has been viewed as a revival of the Persian Gulf naming dispute[55] with Iran accusing the United Arab Emirates of racism,[56][57] and the Football Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran barring the transfer of Javad Nekounam to a UAE club. Historical, Geographical and Legal Validity of the Name: PERSIAN GULF, President Obamas Nowruz Message to the Iranian People, "Navy Causes Controversy by Changing 'Persian Gulf' to 'Arabian Gulf'", "Persian (or Arabian) Gulf Is Caught in the Middle of Regional Rivalries", "Iranologists condemn deliberate distortion of Persian Gulf's name", "Interview with Pendar Yousefi: Blogger, Designer and Google Bomber", "The Persian Gulf The Arabian Gulf Google Bomb", "Google Map's missing Gulf angers Iranians", "Islamic Solidarity Games Cancelled after Gulf Row Divides Nations", "Islamic Solidarity Games Cancelled over Gulf Dispute", "New League name announced by H.E. The matter remains very contentious as the competing naming conventions are supported by certain governments in internal literature, but also in dealings with other states and international organizations. [42] The Persian Gulf therefore became a critical maritime path through which the Allies transported equipment to Soviet Union against the Nazi invasion. The Persian fleet would soon not only be used for peacekeeping purposes along the Shatt al-Arab but would also open the door to trade with India via Persian Gulf. The city has a population of about 4.1 million people. [27][28] The Iranian postal authority has issued a series of stamps commemorating the day. It is an extension of the Gulf of Oman and connects to the Indian Ocean via the Strait of Hormuz in the east. At its narrowest point (the Strait of Hormuz), the Gulf narrows to only 34 miles wide. The little cloud cover is more prevalent in winter than in summer. [44] The campaign led to the signing of the General Maritime Treaty of 1820 between the British and the Sheikhs of what was then known as the 'Pirate Coast'. [31] Persian naval forces laid the foundation for a strong Persian maritime presence in Persian Gulf, that started with Darius I and existed until the arrival of the British East India Company, and the Royal Navy by mid-19th century AD. Teymoor Nabili (a senior presenter for Al Jazeera English) said "ironically, among the major drivers of the movement for change were Arab perceptions that Iran, driven by Washington, had supported Israel during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973". Persian - Arabian Gulf. The Ottoman Empire reasserted itself into Eastern Arabia in 1871. As the last ice age ended, the earth's climate began to warm up, glaciers and ice sheets started to melt, and sea levels rose globally. The low freshwater inflow and high temperatures result in a high freshwater evaporation rate. . Siraf, was also significant in that it had a flourishing commercial trade with China by the fourth century, having first established connection with the far east in 185 AD. The Persian Gulf is well known for being the battlefield of the Iran VS Iraq war from 1980-1998. In 550 BC, the Achaemenid Empire established the first ancient empire in Persis (Pars, or modern Fars), in the southwestern region of the Iranian plateau. While investigating facts about Persian Gulf War and Persian Gulf Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:. [10] Consequently, in the Greek sources, the body of water that bordered this province came to be known as the "Persian Gulf". Caspian sea is located . It was perceived as one of the primary threats to global maritime trade routes, particularly those with significance to British India and Iraq. Extending 926 km inland, the gulf has an area of 239,000 sq km and a width of 180 to 320 km. Please select which sections you would like to print: Alternate titles: Arabian Gulf, Bar Fris, Khalj-e Frs. Persian Gulf, also referred to as the "Gulf of Basra", "Arabian Gulf", or "The Gulf" Persian Gulf naming dispute Arab states of the Persian Gulf, countries of the Arabian Peninsula bordering the Persian Gulf, often referred to as "Arab Gulf states" Red Sea, historically known as Sinus Arabicus ( lit. Tigris, Euphrates, and is higher in the Gulf Gulf exclusive zone! The current flooding of the lagoons on the Arabian Peninsula and Iran to the of Rules, there may be quite cool at the northwestern extremities 'Arabian Gulf ' '', where `` ''. ( Persian:, romanized: xalij-e frs, lit mediterranean Sea, the ``! To some magnificent flora and fauna, some of the 20th century and! 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persian gulf also known as arabian gulf islands