anatomy medical terminology pdf

the ribs 3. arthropathia neurogenosa = a disease of the joints, produced by the nerves 4. arthritis neuropathica = the inflammation of the joints, p.t. chol/e/ster/ol/em/ia the abnormal presence of cholesterol in the blood 30a. pne/um/o/malac/ia the softening of the lungs 17a. the brain, involving the nose 4. rhin-encephal-on the part of the brain involving the nose 5. oto-ganglion-ic p.t. . . See also the Note on sinuses in Chapter 6. drdemore. If omotrophy is the growth of the shoulder, then the growth of the chest is _______________________________________________________ 18. . 10. anesthetic leptic blood = epilepsy = lagnic iasis 11.3 LATIN ANATOMICAL PHRASES Divide and define the following Latin phrases. onychomalacia_________________________________________________________________ 24c. gingivostomatitis _______________________________________________________________ 22a. the lymph and spleen 25c. . . If splenoplasty is the surgical repairing of secretions from a gland, then something the spleen, then the surgical repairing of a which stops secretions from the thymus is ventricle is ventriculoplasty. . The native speaker of Latin, to put this another way, would not suffer the English speakers disjunction between abstract comprehend, apprehend and conceive on the one hand and the concrete act of physically grasping or seizing on the other, because prehendo and capio were used of that physical act as well as in their metaphorically extended senses. Sometimes this extra letter is so consistently found with a particular combining form as to be best treated as part of it. It is formulaic in the sense that consistent ways of translating compounds made from those roots are given. the kidneys 12a. inf/r/a/mand/i/bul/ar below the lower jaw 1e. epi/cardi/o/lys/is the separation of the cutting something surrounding a bone adhesions of something upon the heart 8a. . the ingestion of cells of something p.t. vertebroiliac ___________________________________________________________________ 20c. the upper jaw and lower jaw 5. nas-ostom-ic p.t. 1 Basic Word Structure, Ch. mastomenia____________________________________________________________________ 36a. to the excessive narrowing of veins hypo-galact-ic not insufficient milk (this translation is another noun phrase denoting a condition, for which there might be a number of suitable nouns) hypo-galact-ia: an abnormal condition involving insufficient milk, or hypo-galact-iasis: the abnormal presence of insufficient milk, or galact-o-penia: a deficiency of milk (and, lest we forget, not below the milk) REVIEWING NOUNS PREFIXED NOUNS 1: THE IN-THE-HEAD-THING? Pretend for a moment youve forgotten that en-cephal-on means brain and that peri-cardium means pericardium; how would you translate these words literally, according to their construction (P-x-N, where N = nominative singular ending)? .224 i. ideal ____________________________________________________________________________ 3b. All proceeds above its costs are used to support teaching and research in the Humanities, especially the languages, literatures, and histories of the ancient Greeks and Romans. ot/o/blenn/o/rrhe/a the flowing of mucus from the ear 17a. 2. a tumor involving something inside flesh and cartilage not inside a tumor involving flesh and cartilage 4. pre-gastr-it-ic before gastr-itis (preliminary answer) before the inflammation of the stomach probably not p.t. . . . the heart, p.t. 5. a/damant/in/e p.t. fecaloid________________________________________________________________________ 41b. Some of these premises are as follows. . . acet/o/lys/is the disintegration of acid 44a. thym/elc/os/is the ulceration of the thymus 22b. . Translate the following. the eyes 126 Chapter 6: Respiratory System 27. ocul-ar-osis an abnormal condition involving something p.t. psych/ot/o/lyt/ic p.t. vertebr-a cervic-al-is (Latin) = a cervic-al vertebra (Medical English) = a vertebra p.t. para/en/cephal/on something beside the brain 9b. the fibula and talus 43a. 9. radiculoneuritis_________________________________________________________________ 13a. . You dont need to worry about this, but bone of the skull in the NA is os crani-i, while (as you know already) skull-ish bone (= bone p.t. cartilagin/oid resembling cartilage tibia 42a. 9. 1. mammotropin _________________________________________________________________ 29a. the veins and of a valve arteries 10b. splen/o/myel/o/gen/ous produced by the bone marrow and spleen 25d. gloss/o/pt/os/is the downward displacement of the tongue 20a. . . the surgical puncturing of the lens, then p.t. the ilium and sacrum 4. nerv/i thorac/ic/i the nerves p.t. . an abnormal condition involving stupor d. falsely p.t. . ancon/oid resembling an elbow 13a. hysterotrachelorrhaphy__________________________________________________________ 40d. . 14. the head not the cutting of p.t. If epihepatotic is p.t. Imagine you have been given a Martian to work on, and that your Martian typically has feet on his noses, and noses on each arm as well as on each head (and of course each nosefoothead also has noses and hairs and so forth). . the neck 9. os cephal-ic-o-cervic-al-e the bone p.t. the inflammation of the mediastinum = nasostatic mediastinitic 9. p.t. ferr/o/therap/y treatment by means of iron 54a. the chest 32. omosokinetotherapy a. treatment by means of the movement of the bones, involving the shoulders b. treatment by means of something involving the movement of the shoulders c. treatment by means of the movement of the shoulders d. treatment by means of the movement of something p.t. pulmoaortic____________________________________________________________________ 13b. Some substances are put into the body in order to facilitate examination. the tibia and calcaneus 42f. It is located near the back (posterior) There is another one near the front (anterior) If there is a "superior" one then we can assume there is an "inferior" one, too. the abdomen 5f. x-emia 149 CHAPTER 9: DIGESTIVE SYSTEM . fff. the calcaneus and talus 29b. prostatovesiculitis_______________________________________________________________ 30a. Fun, quick, and easy to study while on the go, Mosbys Medical Terminology Flash Cards, 3rd Edition provide a great tool, Every job in the medical field needs some background in medical terminology. hemat/ur/ia the abnormal presence of and genitals blood in the urine 4b. . hydromeningocele _______________________________________________________________ 1c. an abnormal condition involving iron and 6. keratosis arsenicalis = an abnormal blood condition involving the cornea, p.t. ole/o/peri/ton/e/o/graph/y the recording of the peritoneum, involving oil 47b. amelogenin____________________________________________________________________ 25a. . 0 or formed by the lingual and mesial walls of a tooth cavity 29b. [emailprotected] . an enzyme 46b. the bladder 7. ophthalmia hepatica = an abnormal condition involving the eye, p.t. . . thorac/o/tom/y the cutting of the chest 16c. the fixation of fat 19b. . mes/enter/i/ol/um a little mesentery 220 Answer Keys: 9.6 12b. the suturing of the epidermis, involving the chin d. p.t. 12. brachi-al p.t. an abnormal condition involving insufficient urine epi-phlebo-stenot-ic not excessive narrowing of veins (this translation is a noun phrase; compare epi-phlebo-stenosis: the excessive narrowing of veins) p.t. If cubitoptosis is the downward displacement of the elbow, then the downward displacement of the hip is coxoptosis. colpoceliocentesis_______________________________________________________________ 46a. If entodentotic is p.t. gingivoaxial____________________________________________________________________ 38a. . pne/um/o/cephal/on a collection of 7b. blephar/o/py/o/rrhe/a the flowing of 18c. . . an abnormal condition involving the muscles, p.t. porphyrobilinogenuria___________________________________________________________ 43b. subgingival______________________________________________________________________ 6a. cerebrostomy____________________________________________________________________ 3a. hemoglobinemia_________________________________________________________________ 3b. exocranioptogenic______________________________________________________________ 172 Chapter 13: Prepositional Prefixes 11b. membran/a atlant/o/oc/cipit/al/is the membrane p.t. muc/o/sangu/in/e/ous p.t. THE ORGANIZATION OF THIS BOOK It remains to describe the organization of the material. x-algia (26) and x-odynia (27) will regularly mean pain in x; where x is by nature incapable of feeling pain, however, they will mean pain involving x. x-o-lith (40) is similarly analyzed. a disease of the sympathetic nerves is sympathetopathic or sympathopathic or sympathicopathic. cheir-arthr-itis the inflammation of the joints of the hand gon-arthr-osis an abnormal condition involving the joint of the knee COALESCENCE If asked to generate a medical word for an instrument for cutting the body, you would generate either somat-o-tom-e or (less probably) som-o-tom-e. In fact, the term is somatome. This is because the similar-sounding -at-o and -o-to have phonetically coalesced, as the following diagram shows. the ribs and ilium (Literal English) APPARENTLY IRREGULAR INFLECTIONAL ENDINGS Coccyx (30 above) is like thorax and cervix, explained in Chapter 2, and phalang-es (14) is the nominative plural of phalanx, which follows the same pattern. oculometroscope________________________________________________________________ 18a. the softening of the 4e. blephar/onc/us a tumor involving the eyelid 13.1 1. paraphlebic = paravenous 5. extracytonecrosis = exocytonecrosis, ectocytonecrosis 2. epigalactotic = epilactotic, hypergalactotic, hyperlactotic 6. encraniopathy = endocraniopathy, intracraniopathy, entocraniopathy 3. suprapyloric = hyperpyloric 4. hypomembranoplasty = submembranoplasty, inframembranoplasty 7. prepseudoepileptic = propseudoepileptic 8. retrosternal = poststernal 9. protrichophagic = pretrichophagic 10. interrenal = internephric 13.2 1. above the liver = suprahepatic 2. upon the gallbladder = epicholecystic 6. between the lungs = interpneumonal; interpulmonary 3. around the kidney = circumrenal; circumnephric 7. below the skin = hypodermic; hypodermatic 4. behind the stomach = postgastric; poststomachic 8. against breathing = antipneic 9. before the inflammation of the gonads = pregonaditic 5. below the chest = infrathoracic; infrastethic 10. surrounding the heart = pericardiac; pericardial 13.3 1. 26 Chapter 1: Terminations x-edema (38) the swelling of x x-edemat-ous pertaining to the swelling of x x-o-spasm (41) (spastic) a spasm of x x-o-spast-ic pertaining to a spasm of x x-ec-tas-ia (44) the distention of x x-ec-tat-ic pertaining to the distention of x (as if from x-ec-tas-is) The letter x often stands for the two sounds ks (see the Notes in Chapter 3), which explains the following two apparent irregularities. ur/ic/o/chol/ia an abnormal condition involving bile and uric acid 3b. hyper/trich/os/is an abnormal condition involving excessive hair 1d. the conjunctiva 3. ligament/um uln/o/carp/e/um a ligament p.t. NOTES COMMON SENSE The base lumb-o (1 above), because it designates a general area, and the base colp-o (45 above), because it denotes a cavity with walls, function like celi-o and lapar-o (see the Note on celi-o in Chapter 9) in many therapeutic terms. acetab/ul/ar p.t. . . ventral __________________________________________________________________________ 3b. coccyg/e/us p.t. The double adjectival ending -ic-al, found in many commonly occurring English words, usually referring to fields of study (biological, pharmaceutical, psychological and historical, for example), is translated as though it were singular (pertaining to the study of life, etc. . . . APPARENTLY IRREGULAR INFLECTIONAL ENDINGS Inguen (2 above), formed from inguin-o, is like abdomen; see the Note in Chapter 9. . If thrombopoiesis is the formation of a clot, then the formation of a capillary is ____________________________________________________ 16. hormon/o/poi/es/is the formation of 22b. sacchar/o/galact/o/rrhe/a the flowing of milk, involving sugar 49b. . If neurasthenia is the lack of strength of nerves, then the lack of strength of the stirrup is _______________________________________________ 10. 1. venae uterinae____________________________________________________________________ 2. sinus urogenitalis__________________________________________________________________ 3. musculi rectourethrales____________________________________________________________ 4. ligamentum uteroovaricum________________________________________________________ 5. ganglia lumbalia__________________________________________________________________ 6. arteria testicularis_________________________________________________________________ 7. sutura sphenofrontalis_____________________________________________________________ 142 Chapter 11: Psychology 8. ossa suturalia_____________________________________________________________________ 9. labium maxillare__________________________________________________________________ 10. lingua sphenoidalis_______________________________________________________________ 11.4 LATIN PHRASES NAMING MEDICAL PROBLEMS Divide and define the following Latin phrases. . . +max/im/us (> E max/im/um, etc.) If paraphrenodynia is pain in something beside the diaphragm, then pain in something beside the frontal bone is parafrontodynia. . The extent to which the text is now reasonably free of errors is a measure of the gratitude I here express to all the students who have contributed to its evolution over the past decades. the head, involving the arm 38. hemolysoid a. a collection of blood in the lymph glands b. resembling something that disintegrates blood c. resembling secretions of lymph in the blood d. a collection of blood in the lymph nodes e. the part of the lymph nodes involving blood 39. renalohypophyseopenia a. a deficiency of secretions from the pituitary gland, involving something p.t. salpingitic______________________________________________________________________ 38b. sacroiliitis ______________________________________________________________________ 29c. tic from context) blurgs 67 blurgotropism the tendency to preferentially affect blurgs 68 blurgophage something which ingests the blurg 69 blurgotome an instrument for cutting blurg 70 blurgectome an instrument for cutting out a blurg blurgostome an instrument for making an opening in blurg 71 blurgoscope an instrument for examining the blurg 72 blurgoclast something which breaks the blurg 73 blurgostat something which stops blurg 74 & 20 blurgopathogens substances which produce diseases of blurgs Answer Keys: 2.2 183 75 blurgopaths ones with a disease of blurg 76 blurgographs instruments for recording blurgs 77 blurgograms records of blurgs 78 blurgometers instruments for measuring the blurg Review blurgotogen a substance which produces an abnormal condition involving blurg blurgiatrogens substances which produce the healing of blurgs 79 & 32 blurgonecrotogenic blurgoses abnormal conditions involving blurgs, producing the death of blurgs 80 & 52 blurgiatrogenous produced by the healing of blurgs 81 blurgotropic preferentially affecting blurgs 8285 blurgus, blurga, blurgum, a blurg blurgon 86 blurgeous 2.1 1. omphalotherapy = umbilotherapy, umbilicotherapy 6. chiratrophy = cheiratrophy 2. somometrics = somatometrics 8. epidermolytic = epidermatolytic 3. pedogram = podogram 9. omodynia = omalgia 4. gonoplasty = gonyoplasty 10. cytoplasia = cytopoiesis 5. stethoscopic = thoracoscopic 7. prosopogram = faciogram 2.2 1. the displacement of cells = cytectopia 2. the ingestion of a digit = dactylophagy 7. the inflammation of the skin = dermatitis; dermitis 3. the distention of the eyelid = blepharectasia 8. the narrowing of the face = prosopostenosis; faciostenosis 4. the defective growth of the body = somatodystrophy; somodystrophy 9. the stopping of the hand = chirostasis; cheirostasis 5. the healing of the head = cephaliatry 10. the swelling of an arm = brachiedema 6. the production of the nose = rhinogenesis 184 Answer Keys: 2.3 2.3 1. urobilinogenemia________________________________________________________________ 10a. or formed by the incisal and lingual surfaces of a tooth 32. occlus/o/cervic/al p.t. supra-acromial___________________________________________________________________ 3b. THE PREMISES OF THIS BOOK Bearing in mind the problems I have outlined and the failings of various attempts to solve them, I offer the present book in the conviction that the premises upon which it is based will make the learning of Medical Terminology more efficient and more thorough. Always refuse to panic: find the noun and translate it first of all; then remember that all adjectives in the phrase are individually modifying that noun, and translate them accordingly. anthracotic_____________________________________________________________________ 60b. 211 The following formula holds where x is an organ with a serous coat. The point here is that you need to examine your word carefully, first to see if there is anything extra that needs to be accounted for in translation (omphal-ic-otherapy); second (and this is always the case, as with omphal-otherapy), you need to give your translation a reality check. Note in this connection that (as always) the division of words into meaningful parts must be very carefully done. You will have already noticed, perhaps to your cost, that you need to divide each word very carefully before you try to define it there are no extra letters, let alone extra syllables! Here are some word groups to practice on. tenont/agr/a gouty pain in a tendon 44b. endocrinotropic_________________________________________________________________ 27d. . the study of x 55. xo/log/ist one who studies x 56. xometr/ic/s the science of the measurement of x 57. xopect/in a substance which fixes x 58. xolyt/ic p.t. 13. the abnormal presence of 9. chondroma periosteale = a tumor involving insufficient potassium in the blood cartilage, surrounding a bone 5. chondrodystrophia hyperplastica = the defective growth of the cartilage, p.t. the bones 7a. 89 A. . peri/odont/ic/s the science of the periodontium 12a. surrounding a vein something surrounding a vein the surrounding of a vein the surrounding vein However, confusion sometimes arises with the prefixes meaning inside and outside, probably because we can use these words in English as nouns simply by applying articles to them. This is because the advantages of knowing Latin in terms of the enhancement of ones understanding of English vocabulary are, for most people who do know Latin, unconscious ones, while for those who do not know Latin those advantages are, by definition, unknowable. skeletogenesis___________________________________________________________________ 3b. muscles 38b. syn/oste/o/log/y the study of bones (being joined) together 25a. adenosclerosis__________________________________________________________________ 30a. If encephalenchysis is the injection of fluid into the brain, then the injection of fluid into the heart is cardienchysis. a substance that produces the muscles of the spine d. producing the muscles of the spine e. produced by the muscles of the vertebrae 27. cartilaginostotogram a. a record of the ossification of cartilage b. a record of an abnormal condition involving bone and a substance of cartilage c. a record of an abnormal condition involving bone and cartilage d. a record of the ossification of a substance of cartilage e. a record of an abnormal condition involving ossification of a substance of cartilage 28. endonephroptosis a. an abnormal condition involving the eye, involving something inside the (optic) nerve b. an abnormal condition involving something inside the eye, p.t. . . The general rule holds that the diagnostic and therapeutic terminations have invariable translations. the surgical repairing of cartilage 33b. If cytonecrosis is the death of cells, then the death of the skin is__________________________________________________________ 16. . pyl/or/o/sten/os/is the narrowing of the pylorus 14a. cerebrosclerosis__________________________________________________________________ 2c. the eyes (not ocular-) 28. cili-ary p.t. linguogingival__________________________________________________________________ 12b. Two of these are unpredictable and should be carefully learned. .227 i. a tendon 48b. . hydr/o/kin/es/i/therap/y treatment by means of movement, involving water 1b. cardiagra________________________________________________________________________ 8b. the nerves (or p.t. fib/ul/o/calcane/al p.t. ethmoidolacrimal_______________________________________________________________ 13. ossa lacrimalia___________________________________________________________________ 14. nasofrontal______________________________________________________________________ 15. maxilloethmoidectomy___________________________________________________________ 16. temporomandibular _____________________________________________________________ 106 Chapter 8: Bones of the Head 17a. fibular _________________________________________________________________________ 35b. . tox/i/gen/ic/ity the ability to produce poisons 63b. the formation of the seminal vesicles 35b. vitr(e)/ec/tom/y the cutting out of something resembling glass 68b. . . . the abnormal presence of blood in the spleen e. p.t. . nas/o/pharyng/e/al p.t. . the aorta and 7c. the chest 6. valvula venosa = the valve p.t. chym/o/rrhe/a the flowing of chyme cecum 37a. laryngopathy____________________________________________________________________ 9c. vagosympathetic________________________________________________________________ 14b. 217 MULTIPLE COMBINING FORMS 3: OF, INVOLVING, OR AND? an insufficient heart 6. hypo-cardio-poiet-ic p.t. If atlectasia is the distention of the atlas, then the distention of the styloid process is styloidectasia or stylectasia. the ear, the head and the shoulder p.t. 4. . the elbow 11a. Remember that words in Medical Terminology are usually designed carefully, so if you seem to have a toss-up between two possibilities, then always pick the most specific one. cubitocarpal ___________________________________________________________________ 10b. . end/o/cardi/um something inside the heart 21b. thyrolytic (diagnostic)___________________________________________________________ 34e. celi/o/tom/y the cutting of the abdominal wall 1c. .79 i. epicardiolysis (therapeutic)________________________________________________________ 3a. hepat/o/cyt/e a cell of the liver 22d. the membrane 3. arthropathia osteopulmonaria = a disease of the joints, p.t. . synovitis the inflammation of a synovial membrane mucotome an instrument for cutting a mucous membrane seroserous pertaining to two serous membranes Chapter 12: Substances (etc.) the rapid flowing of (something from) x growth of x Answer Keys: 1.3 177 45. xiatr/ic/s the science of the healing of x 46. xiatr/ist one who heals x 47. xocent/et/ic p.t. . 1) Axi-o-x-o-lingual should mean pertaining to or formed by the axial, x-al and lingual walls of a tooth cavity. In fact, this configuration of bases will always mean pertaining to or formed by the axial, x-al and lingual surfaces of a tooth. 2) When -cervical appears at the end of a word designating a tooth angle (that is, in any word not containing the bases specified above), the following formula usually applies. 8. the lungs = inter the skin = hypo breathing = anti 9. the inflammation of the gonads = pre 10. the heart = peri 13.3 ANALOGIES 1. pain involving the 8a. a disease of the sympathetic nerves is_________________________________________ 5. If hypodermatotrophy is the insufficient growth of the skin, then the insufficient growth of the pylorus is ___________________________________________ 11. hem/o/rrhag/ic thromb/o/cyt/hem/ia 13a. . . stercobilinogen_________________________________________________________________ Exercises for Chapter 9 123 42b. . the breaking of a bone (osteoclasis) or p.t. . mesenteriorrhaphy_______________________________________________________________ 6b. ectental________________________________________________________________________ 14a. cox/arthr/o/path/y a disease of the joints of the hip 24b. S-o-cele the protrusion of something, involving S S-o-x-o-cele the protrusion of (something through) x, involving S Other combinations involving a verbal termination and a substance should be examined carefully, as they can often be translated in similar ways. Preliminary Exercises Designed to help students get started, these exercises are perhaps the most helpful for the elementary project of memorizing individual combining forms and their translations. anococcygeal___________________________________________________________________ 32b. 4. the sternum, involving the coracoid process e. the rib of the coracoid process and the sternum 93. preinfracarditic a. p.t. Introduction ; 11.1 Interactions of Skeletal Muscles, Their Fascicle Arrangement, and Their Lever Systems ; 11.2 Naming Skeletal Muscles ; 11.3 Axial Muscles of the Head, Neck, and Back ; 11.4 Axial Muscles of the Abdominal Wall, and Thorax ; 11.5 Muscles of the Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limbs ; 11.6 Appendicular Muscles of the Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limbs ; Key Terms para/odont/al beside the teeth 9c. the skull 2. arteri-ae crani-al-es the arteries p.t. . the neck (Literal English) vertebr-a thorac-ic-a (Latin) = a thorac-ic vertebra (Medical English) = a vertebra p.t. gland/ul/a tympan/ic/a a gland p.t. nephrotonephritis_______________________________________________________________ 10d. the formation of cartilage or p.t. dermat/o/dys/plas/ia the defective formation of skin 7b. tarsophalangeal_________________________________________________________________ 36b. vas sangu/in/e/um retin/al/e a vessel p.t. . . -sten/os/is: E sten/o sten/o/graph/y the narrow recording (64 below) [of information]; steno is a common clipped form for sten/o/graph/er; the idea of narrow recording probably comes from the use of shorthand; laryng/o/sten/os/is the narrowing of the larynx (6.9) 34. oocytin_________________________________________________________________________ 33b. Note that the last three forms below (40-42) are rather more concrete than are the others in this category; they are included here because they each imply an abstract condition. cheil/o/gnath/o/uran/o/schis/is the splitting of the palate, jaw and lip 9a. 1. a blurg 34 blurganosclerosis the hardening of something p.t the blurg 35 blurgacoptotic p.t. . two phalanges 15. duct/us lymphat/ic/i ducts p.t. . Chapter 1: Terminations 25 ADJECTIVES Most derived noun suffixes can be made into adjectives by replacing the primary noun suffix with an adjectival one. hyper- excessive; above epi- upon; excessive hypo- insufficient; below Remember that (according to the conventions presented in the Introduction) this listing means that, by actual count, hyper- more often means excessive than above, and hypo- more often means insufficient than below. With these thoughts in mind, translate the following words. myel/alg/ia pain involving the spinal cord 18b. the ribs, of the ilium muscul-us cost-ae ili-ac-us the muscle, p.t. the thyroid gland 19a. . COMBINING FORM EXAMPLE TRANSLATION 1. anthrop-o (anthropology) man, human 2. som(at)-o (psychosomatic) body 3. derm(at)-o (dermatology) skin derma, derm-is 4. epi-derm(at)-o (upon [the] dermis) epidermis epi-derm-is 5. cyt-o (cytology) cell (erythrocyte) a cell of x 6. arthr-o (arthritis) joint 7. acr-o (Acropolis) extremities x-o-cyt-e 8. mel-o limb 9. cephal-o (encephalitis) head 10. trich-o (trichinosis) hair 11. blephar-o ([that which] looks) eyelid 12. ophthalm-o (ophthalmology) eye 13. ot-o (otolaryngology) ear 14. rhin-o (rhinoceros) nose 15. pros-op-o (Cyclops) face 16. faci-o (facial) face LATIN FORM Chapter 2: General Anatomy 39 17. cervic-o (cervical) neck 18. trachel-o (throat) neck 19. om-o cervix shoulder 20. brachi-o (bracelet) arm 21. ancon-o (angle) elbow 22. cheir-o, chir-o (chiropractor) hand 23. dactyl-o (pterodactyl) digit 24. onych-o (onyx) nail 25. thorac-o (thorax) chest 26. steth-o (stethoscope) chest 27. mast-o (mastectomy) breast 28. mamm-o (mammal) breast 29. thel-e (female) nipple 30. omphal-o (umbilical) navel 31. umbil(ic)-o (umbilical cord) navel 32. glut(e)-o (rump) buttock 33. gon-o, gony-o (pentagon) knee 34. pod-o (octopodes) foot 35. ped-o (pedal) foot brachi-um thorax mamm-a umbilic-us pes 40 Chapter 2: General Anatomy Part B. pseud-o-x-N a/the false x pseud-o-x-A falsely pertaining to x 190 Chapter 11: Psychological Terms A BRIEF LIST OF MISCELLANEOUS PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS The following list of psychological words is included for your interest only. stylohyoid_______________________________________________________________________ 7b. . pseud/esth/es/ia the false perception (of something) 17b. vulvovaginitis___________________________________________________________________ 48b. the neck and something p.t. or formed by the buccal and mesial surfaces of a tooth or p.t.

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anatomy medical terminology pdf